Compensator, DN25-PN16 (DIN), EPDM (high temperature)

Item number:


Item description
Flat corrugated, compression-moulded rubber bellows, highly elastic with synthetic fibre pressure carrier (high-temperature version: steel cord) and wire-reinforced rubber flange collar (self-sealing), swivelling steel flanges on both sides

Equalising capacity:
axial (compression/extension), lateral (lateral offset), angular (angular deviation)

Bellows: EPDM (hot water, acid and alkalis resistant), flange: RSt 37.2 galvanised zinc plated

Temperature range:
Max. +90°C (high temperature version: max. +110°C), from +60°C reduced operating pressures

Operating pressure (standard):
up to +60°C: 16 bar, +80°C: 11 bar,+90°C: 6 bar, bursting pressure: 48 bar (For intermittent loading, the max. operating pressure should be set by 30% lower)

Operating pressure (high temperature version):
up to +60°C: 16 bar, +80°C: 14 bar,+90°C: 12 bar,+100°C: 10 bar,+110°C: 6 bar, bursting pressure: 48 bar (For intermittent loading, the max. operating pressure should be set by 30% lower)

When installing the compensator, it is urged to follow the assembly instructions in all cases!

EPDM bellows, high-temperature version (+110°C)-HT, NBR bellows, oil-resistant -B, NBR bellows, oil-resistant, high-temperature version (+110°C)-BHT, butyl bellows (CIIR), for use with drinking water in accordance with KTW recommendation -LE
Flange con­nec­tion DN25-​PN16 (DIN)
Bel­lows ver­sion EPDM (high tem­per­a­ture)
DN [mm] 25
Op­er­at­ing pres­sure [bar] -1 to 16
Axial com­pres­sion [mm] 30
Axial stretch­ing [mm] 10
Lat­eral off­set [mm] 10
An­gu­lar de­vi­a­tion [°] 25
L [mm] 100
B [mm] 16
D [mm] 115
Di (± 3) [mm] 22
Further information on KOMFL25-HT
Weight 2,2 kg / pcs
Customs duty number 40169991

All data are to be understood as non-binding reference values! We do not assume liability for any data selection not confirmed in writing. Unless otherwise specified, pressure values refer to liquids from Group II at +20°C.
Immediately available